Dead Island Teaser is Harrowing (in Reverse)

Remember Dead Island? No? That’s okay – it has been a while after all. From Polish developers Techland, those same crazy coots who gave us Call of Juarez, Dead Island is exactly what it sounds like. An island, full of death. Well, technically, undeath, as – yet again – there’s another zombie game in the works.

It’s an FPS but this time around with an emphasis on hand-to-hand melée combat. Less shotguns to the guts and more deckchairs to the mush, in other words.

What follows is a wonderfully executed CGI-only trailer, and though it doesn’t reflect one iota of how the final game will play, we doff our virtual hats at the accomplished creators of this fine piece of media.

You’ll want to watch this a couple of times before ultimately hitting the bottle pretty hard afterwards, we reckon. At least, that’s what I did. Right this second I can barely see the keyboard from the tears, not to mention the alcohol now racing through my fiery veins. Seriously, don’t watch this if you’re easily freaked out by families getting eaten.

Source: IGN


  1. that trailer was absoulutely amazing, i can only imagine how tense the game could be without any guns. Best trailer i’ve seen this year!

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