LittleBigPlanet Karting Leaked

Canadian games retailer Future Shop have been rather indiscreet with their Tweets after attending a ‘Destination PlayStation Event’ last night, leaking a major upcoming title from Sony, a few from EA and one from SquareEnix.

First they revealed ‘LittleBigPlanet Karting’ which will run in 3D and can use a PlayStation Move steering wheel.

Rumours this morning suggest the game will come from ModNation Racers developers United Front, and will be PS3 exclusive (no Vita version) – it’s almost certainly this.

Then they revealed a couple of none too shocking yearly updates from EA…

… before dropping one last bombshell with a new game from SquareEnix called ‘Sleeping Dogs’, which the publisher must have been delighted about.

Well done indiscreet Future Shop tweeter!

There’s a standee for the LittleBigPlanet Karting game that the same sourced leaked then removed, or at least tried to remove.  It’s below for your perusal.


Source: Twitter


  1. Hopefully they can nail the lag that unfortunately accompanies the extremely customisable characters, vehicles & circuits

  2. I should imagine Little Big Planet Karting will be one hell of a racer if it lets you do as much as the first two games did. this could be the new mario kart.

  3. So clearly this is MNR2 in all but name. Similar concept but using the ‘bigger’ brand name of LBP to bring in more sales. Smart move Sony.

  4. Was a bit disappointed by LBP2, but a Karting game or DLC sounds awesome!

  5. So it’s not Mm how is making it? Really wondering what they are working on!!!

  6. Shame it’s not part of MNR, which was already the karting equivalent of LBP… I don’t get it.

  7. I always wondered why Sony didn’t have Modnation Racers made as LBP Racers. It wouldn’t have been much change and allowed them to really create an enduring customisable mascot.

    • Yeah it would have made more sense really. Guessing it would have helped it sell a lot more copies too.

  8. Eh, Sleeping Dogs is just the new name for True Crime: Hong Kong, UFG’s game SE bought off Activision.

    A simple Google will show this.

  9. LBP karting interests me a lot :)

  10. I WANT IT! DAY 1! :P :P :P

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