Build Your Papercraft Tearaway Elk With TSA (Video)


  1. Brilliant :)

  2. If there isn’t “one i made earlier”, i’m going to be disappointed.

    • ahahahah that would’ve been cool :D

  3. That subtitle alone made my day xD

  4. Aww… you didn’t use the Tearaway music. However, the LBP style speed-up and craft-look is brilliant! *applauds*. Now where’s my fu**king breakfast???

    • Ah… patience is a virtue. You used the Tearaway music! Damn your cunning ways. Still waiting on breakfast, though.

      • yep, and I chose the other music from the same compilation album so it was all complimentary to that track. £7.99 on iTunes – that’s how dedicated I am to making daft videos for your amusement ;)

    • 6:50, it’s in there.

  5. Thanks for pointing me to Friends!
    Great Band.

  6. Haha, brilliant. Making mine now.

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