Retro City Rampage Made Into A Real 8-Bit ROM

Retro City Rampage, the 8-bit looking Grand Theft Auto-like top down crime-em-up has been made into a real 8-bit title. The video above explains how, and it’s quite an achievement.

In a rather cute turn of events, though, the 8-bit version can actually be played. It appears in the WiiWare version (out this week) and will be patched into the Steam version shortly. No word on something similar for the PS3, PS Vita and Xbox 360 iterations.

The retro demake (as these things are sometimes known) will appear in the game’s arcade, alongside Virtual Meat Boy, BIT.TRIP: Retro City and Epic Meal Time.


  1. Someone has far too much time on their hands.

  2. Would be nice if it was actually playable on the NES though. I don’t quite see the point of 8 bit on a new console or pc. Could make it a home brew like these new NES games:

  3. Brian Provinciano started the project Grand Theftendo something like 8 years ago, he was trying to a GTA clone for the NES for real.
    If someone rips the ROM from the WiiWare version it’s probably playable on a real NES (though needs MMC5 mapper chip).

  4. It’s interesting to hear how he compressed it all down. I’d love to see what someone could do with the N64, if they today could make a more impressive game than they did back then.

  5. “The video above explains how”
    – But does the video explain why? :)

  6. That’s both quite cool and a bit mental. While you are playing the game you can go into an arcade and play an 8-bit version of the game you are already playing.

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