Sony’s Free To Play DriveClub Getting “New And Updated” Demo Next Month

The demo of Sony’s free-to-play (assuming you’ve got PlayStation Plus, of course) racer DriveClub from E3 last month was, according to the developers, 35% complete. It was one track, four cars, eight players, and – interestingly – eight cameras.

It was also ever-so-slightly underwhelming.

Blame the track, blame the environment, but it was hard to get too much of a grasp on what the game was all about from such a limited taster. Thankfully, Evolution have continued to push on, and there’ll be a “new and updated” demo shown off at Gamescom next month.

Read our thoughts on DriveClub here from E3 where we discuss Evolution’s so-called “service model” and here from a more recent Sony press event.

Source: GAF, via VG.


  1. That’s great. It’ll be interesting to see the more current build in action. Hopefully we can get direct feed video this time around!
    Hopefully it really is a then-current build and not one that’s a few months old but more current than the E3 one so we can imagine what the final product will likely look like.

    • I totally agree about a feed. I am getting next to nothing from these cams of the game.

  2. Can’t wait to see the new demo, hoping to see how the structure of the game works.

  3. “I just reeeeeally like caaars, I worry the leather seats won’t look real enough”.

  4. I’m looking forward to learning more about it, certainly i want to see more varied footage – not sure if it’s going to be for me but i guess i’ll know for certain when i’ve played the free PS+ version.

  5. Lovely trailer. Hope the game turns out to be good. However, I hope the community aspect turns out to be utterly sensational as it appears they’re on the right… ahem… track.

  6. Come on Evolution, 60 frames per second. You can do it!

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