Assassin’s Creed Rising Phoenix Listing Is “Fake”

Assassin's Creed: Rising Phoenix

Earlier, we uncovered this listing which appears to show Assassin’s Creed Rising Phoenix for PlayStation Vita. This has happened before and screens listed for “internal use only” have even leaked out yet Ubisoft and Sony have both stayed quiet on the subject.

That is until now, rather than us posting the listing as yet another rumour, we reached out to Ubisoft, who replied saying “The listing is a fake and isn’t legit,” solving that mystery.

So, does that mean Rising Phoenix will stay as a pile of ashes for now? It could be, or could it just mean that the game isn’t for PlayStation Vita? Whatever the case, we’ll either hear about it at Gamescom, or we won’t.

Anyway, it’s another fake listing for a possibly fake game, that’s all we’ve got for now.


  1. Google suggests that ‘Ubisoft Digital Arts’ is part of Ubisoft Motion Pictures, which is the film/movie division of Ubisoft. So it’s almost certainly not a game, but more likely it’s concept art for the AC Movie that’s in the works, or a sequel to AC Linage perhaps.

  2. I’m sure I dropped this on the forum, but repost here as its relevant.

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