PSN Is Currently Under Maintenance, Will End Later Tonight

It’s that time again where the PlayStation Network is under maintenance, which started at 17:50 BST and is sceduled to last until 23:30 BST tonight. Some of you may recognise this as prime gaming time, but something needs doing on the network though Sony don’t tell us what. Anyway the usual rules apply with access to account management and the store restricted, as well as PS Home being down too.

Online play will be available to those who have signed into their accounts recently, though the timescale for how recent was not shared.I don’t mind the maintenance but it would be nice if we were told what was being sorted out on the network. Sony have also said that the downtime may extend past the 23:30 BST limit for additional testing.

Source: PS Blog


  1. Cross game chat?

    • It’s funny because the one we have is garbage compared to XBOX. Me and friends have always resorted to Skype because the chat is so quiet on the PS4.

      • I’ve not had a single issue with the party app at all other than the fact it’s now impossible to have a webcam chat (unless I’m being super thick)!

      • Too quiet? There is a volume control in the party settings. The quality isn’t bad either.

      • Ive found the party chat to be excellent on ps4. Ive never tried it on 360 and found it horrendous, not tried it on ONE yet

  2. It’s messed up my ability to be able to deactivate my mates ps4 as a primary, so that I could activate my own ps4 as a primary :( !!!

  3. Finally patching in Unicorns & Rainbows then I guess?

  4. Hopefully the next software update we get in the next week or so will reduce the amount of maintenance required.

  5. It bugs me that they do the maintenance at silly times like this.
    Chances are the team working on it won’t be in work tomorrow so why not get them do a night shift and do whatever they do between 1 and 7.

    Find it strange that the playstation phone app works fine but not my ps4.

  6. They did note this on Twitter last week, but that’s hardly broadcasting all over the place I suppose, and they never posted on the blog.

  7. Managed the GT6 meet without too many hiccups and that was without being signed in before the maintenance deadline. I think that as long as you’ve signed in within the last one or two days it shouldn’t have any effect.

  8. Slightly off topic but is anyone else having problems with saved game data uploading? I have not had a single success with this since the 16th of May, yet the PS4 is on standby and when I log back in I have no network issues at all?

    • I have had a couple of the saved game data uploading failing too but haven’t checked since last week sometime

  9. Stuff like this really isn’t acceptable anymore. When the PSN was free, fine, you get what you pay for, but now its a premium service it should match XBL, which is faultless 99.99% of the time.

    • I did ask on here before why psn goes down for maintenance but live doesn’t. Nobody seemed to know but I did get a bit of flack for asking.

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