Time for another quick round up of news, starting with Conan and some people who play that girly version of Rugby, having a stab at Doom.
Zombie Vikings is coming to Xbox One and will include a load of bonus DLC such as Oink the unicorn pig.
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG will be cross-save and cross buy when it launches on PlayStation 4 and Vita.
The Hitman beta launches on February 12th on PlayStation, February 19th for PC, and February the nevererth for Xbox One because there is no beta for you.
There is another Hitman trailer as well, because you can never have too many trailers.
Of all the games that really doesn’t need a demo it’s the LEGO series, but just in case you have never played one (you weirdo) there is a demo for LEGO Marvel’s Avengers on the PS Store.
A full length CGI trailer for Street Fighter V.
Smoochie woochie! Destiny‘s Crimson Days event goes live at 7pm tonight.
This the opening cinematic form Dark Souls III, which is out in about a month.
The patch for Dying Light is out, bringing al sorts of goodies to everyone, not just those who bought the expansion. The Xbox One version is 17gb but PlayStation 4 gamers only have to download 8gb.
There is a Twitter account dedicated to using shaders in Destiny to make the characters the same colour as exotic birds.
And Finally, Fred Dinenage explains how to play XCOM 2. Because reasons.
“February the nevererth for Xbox One because there is no beta for you.” Ooohh burn baby burn! :P
*Rests back whilst downloading the exclusive Homefront beta* :P
Seriously though, that betas are becoming an exclusive thing is just wacky. They may as well have done with it and just call it a demo, because there ain’t much testing can be done on just the one platform, for either Hitman or Homefront.
Yeah I absolutely agree with avenger, this whole exclusivity is getting out of hand!
If anyone is wondering why the Dying Light update on X1 is over twice the size of PS4 is because you have to replace entire folders when you update on X1, wheras you can just replace files on PS4. I’m not sure why but maybe it’s for security purposes.
It’s not often that I say this but I’ve not found your snatch very interesting today.
Oh I quite agree, sorry, I was just clearing out the newsfile.
Have to say that apart from the odd animation here & there, SFV looks decidedly similar to SFIV. In fact, they had it on in game the other day & I had to double take to ensure I wasn’t looking at IV.
The Lone Steven
Why is Hitman, A SINGLE PLAYER GAME getting a Beta? I know it’s episodic but come on! Betas are not meant to be demos and Hitman does not have a damn multiplayer. Why is it getting a Beta? WHY? WHY!? WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?
Oh and er…. slow news day joke involving Tuffcub not being arsed to dig out the dirty news. :P