Salt And Sanctuary Set To Release On Vita In Q1 2017

Ska Studios originally announced a Vita version of Salt & Sanctuary alongside the PS4 version, but as time went on mentions of the handheld seemed to disappear. The PS4 version of the game released early this year but those who wish to play Salt & Sanctuary on the Vita have had to wait for news regarding a release on that platform. During PlayStation Experience Ska did have the Vita version running at the show, and a few days later tweeted the should be releasing in Q1 2017.

An actual date will still need to be confirmed but Salt & Sanctuary Vita is very much alive.

Source: Twitter

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From the heady days of the Mega Drive up until the modern day gaming has been my main hobby. I'll give almost any game a go.

1 Comment

  1. I thought they had cancelled the Vita version but it’s great to hear they’ve got it up and running.
    S&S does a really good job at being a fun challenging 2D Souls like.

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