You Can Now Download The Nintendo Switch Online App [Update: It’s Fully Operational!}

With the Nintendo Switch Online service launching alongside Splatoon 2 on Friday – which is great, by the way – the smartphone apps for iOS and Android have snuck out a little ahead of time, letting you download them and get yourself all set for when it goes live.

Grab it here for iOS (with support for both iPhone and iPad), and here for Android.

Update: Like the second Death Star, the app is now fully operational! If you have Splatoon 2, you can access SplatNet 2 and make use of its party invitational and chat features to your hearts content.

Unfortunately, that’s all you can really do with it right now, as attempting to log in with your Nintendo Account presents you with a server maintenance error.

When it does go live, however, you’ll be able to send messages via other social networks to set up parties with voice chat (and incredibly inconvenient looking headset cabling) and play in Splatoon 2 together, as the only game with support at launch. The app will also host SplatNet 2, where you can see online battle stats, purchase gear for the next time you log into the game, and check out the event and map schedule.

This will eventually turn into a paid service in 2018, where online multiplayer and chat will come to cost $19.99 / €19.99 for a year long subscription, which will also reward you with discounts on the eShop and a library of classic games that will include Super Mario Bros. 3, Balloon Fight and Dr. Mario.

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!


  1. It’s been interesting seeing Nintento’s ‘nope, we’ll just do it our way’ approach to the online part of Switch. Im looking forward to getting my hands on one and seeing what else they come up with, let’s hope they’ve been playing with the moderately crap PlayStation app and have learned some lessons.

    • I got mine on Saturday.

      Its a nice treat to play Zelda again (havent played on since gamecube) their online thing is a bit odd… especially the friend code system

      but im sure they will improve on it soon :)

    • There’s nothing moderate about how crap the PlayStation app is.

      • But you don’t need the PS App to talk to your friends online. And having used the app last night I would say it is worse.

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