Dark Souls Remastered Delayed Until Summer For Nintendo Switch

If you wanted take your Dark Souls journey with you on the go, you’ll have to wait a little longer, as Bandai Namco have delayed Dark Souls Remastered for Nintendo Switch. All other platforms – PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC – are still on track for 25th May.

The game is now set for an ambiguous “summer” release window, and the Solaire of Astora amiibo has been postponed to match the game’s launch as well. There’s no mention of the network tests that are planned for the various platforms, but we’d hazard a guess that this has also been delayed.

We recently played Dark Souls Remastered on PlayStation 4, finding a game with a much improved frame rate and resolution (obviously), which shows just how strong the original concept for the popular series was.

Source: press release

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!


  1. That’s a shame, I recently picked up a switch in preparation to pick this up day of release.
    Oh well, just need to wait until “summer 2018”

    • Also the original concept was Demons Souls, Dark Souls is it’s spiritual sequel.

      @gernboes for also noticing that

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