The Latest V-Rally 4 Trailer Features Rallying & Hillclimbing

After a couple years of making WRC games, Kylotonn Racing are reviving the V-Rally brand with a fourth game in the venerable rallying series.

A new trailer released today showcases two of the five racing disciplines in the game: rally (duh!) and hillclimb.

The other three disciplines are Extreme-Khana, which is like regular khana, but more extreme, V-Rally Cross where you’re racing directly against your opponents, and Buggy, where you’re in all terrain buggies.

V-Rally 4 is due out for PS4, Xbox One and PC in September, with a Switch version planned for a later date.

Source: press release

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

1 Comment

  1. Sadly I have yet to play a rally game which has got anywhere near the vibes of:

    Gran Turismo 3s rally sections
    Sega Rally
    Colin McRae Rally 1
    Motorstorms [in a fashion]

    Will have to wait and see if this brings the heat….

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