From Tuesday 4th June you will be able to get your hands on your next lot of PlayStation Plus games and they are Sonic Mania and Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, which includes Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, plus all the DLC.
We rather liked Sonic Mania when it was released, in fact reviewer Dave said “Sonic Mania is not only the best Sonic game in recent years, it may just be the best 2D Platformer, period.”
“Sonic Mania surpasses the Mega Drive/Genesis originals,” he said in our review. “It not only incorporates what made Sonic great, but has the inventiveness to shatter what was possible in a 2D platformer. As a nostalgia trip, it sets the bar for what comes next for the modding community. For those unexposed to what made 2D Sonic great, this is still a solid game in its own right and may create new fans in the process. If being this good took ages, it’s about damn time.”
We gave Sonic Mania a very rare and highly sought after 10/10!
We didn’t get round to reviewing Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, but you all know how good Borderlands 2 is, in fact I suspect many of you already own a copy on PS3, PS4, PS Vita, or PlayStation VR. We did review The Pre-Sequel when it launched last gen and gave it 8/10.
“To say that Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is nothing more than Borderlands 2 on the moon would be a disservice to the hard work that the developers have put in, and the new features that are definitely noticable,” commented Blair.
“It’s not better than that game, but it’s pretty much essential for anyone seeking out more Borderlands, or someone eager to learn more about the lore of the universe. The Pre-Sequel is a superb action RPG which anyone can jump into, with tons of guns and plenty of fun to be found.”
Source: PS Blog
Been thinking about getting Sonic Mania for Switch, so this preview is most handy!
So in the 4 months of just getting 2 games a month, there’s been 3 games I’ve not already got. And 1 of those really was shit after about 30 seconds of “Look how big and floppy it is! Noooo! Penises don’t work like that!! WTF is it up to??”
But then again, I’ve probably saved more than it costs with all those PS+ discounts. And we’ve got more online storage now than you could ever use. (It might have gone up to 100GB, but there’s a limit on how many actual saves you can put there, so you’ll never get anywhere near 100GB)
Well I guess I can’t complain about poor quality games when they keep giving away games I already own, but I did want my mate to get borderlands to play Co op with me. I guess that’s a plus. Sonic will be a good one to play with the kids too.
Tony Cawley
Nope. Nothing for me then.
I’ve not got these, but I doubt I’ll ever get round playing them, as I own some Borderlands game for years on PS3, since I got it with Plus, and never played that either.
And to me Sonic looks quite rubbish compared to the platformer I regularly play with the kids, Rayman Legends, but we might give it a try.
I was never a Sonic or Borderlands fan, looks like i’m staying plus-free for another month.