Hitman 3 player speedruns Dubai level in 8 seconds

Like its two predecessors, Hitman 3 is a dense assassination sim – an expertly crafted series of sandboxes begging to be explored. In the days following launch, that’s exactly what the Hitman community has been doing, searching every nook and cranny for experimental ways to kill.

In that time, players have posted incredible speedrun times for Dubai, Hitman 3’s opening level, the fastest clocking in at just eight seconds.

World record contenders Goron, Wreak and Der_Lauch_Linus both used a similar setup and technique to achieve this crazy completion time. Seconds after spawning into Dubai via the elevator entrance, they take down targets Marcus Stuyvesant and Carl Ingram in rapid succession using 47’s pistol before making a beeline back to the exit location.

As you can see from Goron’s video, the targets are within shooting range for a few short moments as the mission begins, giving the players just enough time to kill them with two well placed headshots. A superb feat and no doubt one of the many confounding speedruns we’ll see posted for Hitman 3.

We awarded Hitman 3 a triumphant 8 out 10 in our review at launch, here’s what we had to say:

Charting the series’ progress since that 2016 Paris debut has been a fascinating journey. IO have learned a lot over the past five years and that really shows in Hitman 3. It’s a flashier, more fluid evolution of IO’s original template – a rewarding conclusion to one of the most unique video game franchises around, and one we’ll continue playing for many weeks and months to come.

IO Interactive’s closing instalment in their World of Assassination trilogy has gone down well with reviewers, bagging an OpenCritic average of 86 to become one of 2021’s earliest GOTY contenders. However, Hitman 3 hasn’t enjoyed the steadiest of launches with a number of server outages. Some players have also reported issues when trying to import their Hitman career progress over from Hitman 2.

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Senior Editor bursting with lukewarm takes and useless gaming trivia. May as well surgically attach my DualSense at this point.