Netflix to offer video games via streaming “within the next year”

Netflix video games
Netflix video games

Stadia may not have made a big dent in the gaming market with their streaming service but Sony , Microsoft and Nintendo are about to go face to face with one of the biggest companies on the planet, and one that already has a presence in 200 million homes already. Netflix are about to enter the video gaming streaming market.

Bloomberg report that video games will be offered on the existing Netflix streaming platform and the really big news is that Netflix will not be charging customers any additional fees to access the games. Netflix is busy setting a team to oversee the project and have just hired Mike Verdu, a former EA exec who recently held the position of Facebook’s vice president for content for Oculus.

If Netflix were to sign up a bunch of AAA titles then Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are in trouble, but there is the issue of controllers. These would have to be linked to the TV that is running Netflix, not a massive issue as all modern TVs would have a USB port and you could attach a Bluetooth dongle and use a controller that way.

However, Netflix are advertising positions for game developers which may indicate they going to be creating the games themselves and base them on the franchises they own. They’ve already tested the waters with simple games like Minecraft: Story Mode.

It is reported that Netflix will offer video gaming streaming “within the next year” but has yet to settle on a specific strategy for the gaming service. They have identified Fortnite as one of their main competitors so they wil have to create something pretty special to lure players away from that.

If Netflix did offer something similar to Stadia then we could see if a big shift in the gaming landscape, they could easily lure customers away from Xbox and PlayStation. If their tactic is to create more games like Minecraft Story Mode then perhaps the big three don’t have too much to worry about just yet.

Source: Bloomberg

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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.


  1. These tech companies always underestimate how easy it is to break into gaming.

    If I already have a controller I’m not going to plug it into my TV to use Netflix – I’m going to use the system the controller is used with.

    Perhaps gaming via Netflix will be awesome, but considering the flaws of every other game streaming service I am extremely skeptical. If I can stream new, excellent games for no extra money and the experience is flawless then that sounds great, but there is almost no chance of that happening.

    Also, how will Netflix accomplish this financially? My understanding is that though Netflix is very popular it struggles to turn a profit. How will they fund game studios and additional licence fees without any additional revenue?

    And to hear that they hired an EA exec who also used to work for Oculus and (yikes!) Zynga circa 2012, doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence.

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