What We Played #658 – Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV & Shin Megami Tensai 5 Vengeance

Destiny 2 Final Shape Header Artwork

I’ve enjoyed a Welsh break with my family, and while there’s been lots of swimming, paddleboarding and building sandcastles, I’ve got my trusty Switch for a dose of gaming in the quieter moments, though, and so I’ve embarked on Warframe – not least because I’m intrigued by Warframe 1999 – and the Switch version holds up really well. It does have me asking the question why we’ve never been able to get a Switch version of Destiny 2, but that’s a question for another day. Besides that, I’ve been playing Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble for a future review.

Tuffcub has been playing Destiny 2. And he finished up his The Final Shape review where you can find out what he thinks about it. Does he like the shape it is? Is it the last one or is this more ‘Final Fantasy’ than it is the end of everything? Find out now!

Destiny 2 The Final Shape

Jason would like to have been playing something, but he isn’t playing something, and this has irked him. So much so that I’ve had to work out that he’s played Demon’s Mirror because he didn’t tell me that.

Nic B did much better with his gaming, despite having a newborn, and he’s been played Shin Megami Tensai 5 Vengeance for review. I’d take a click and see what he thought of it – will it be enough to get me to rebuy and replay the game?

SMT5 Vengeance da'at

Aran has finished his playthrough of SteamWorld Dig, saying, “It was fun!” as well as dipping back into Assassin’s Creed Mirage. He tells us, “I’m still enjoying and wandering around ancient Baghdad, stealing treasure and getting into scraps.”

Nick P doesn’t entirely understand why he’s spent the week in the WWE 2K24 MyGM mode, while sneaking in a little bit of DBD and Street Fighter 6. If it helps, Nick, I don’t understand either.

More explicable is Gamoc’s playing of Rogue Trader, saying, “Inspite of its crashes and slightly frustrating movement it continues to be absolutely phenomenally good, provided you love CRPGs. I imagine it’s quite hard to get on with otherwise.” That’s not been all though, as he’s also played some Dredge, which he loved, as well as some local multiplayer in Rocket League.

Ade played Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter for preview, which he did like, and then he gave V-Rising a go which he didn’t really like, “It left me cold – like an undead blood-sucker – so I played more X-Defiant instead.” He continued, “While I was playing that though, I suddenly realised that other than the Splinter Cell lot, I had no frame of reference for the other factions, having never played their games. So, I decided to correct that by playing Far Cry 6, which I am enjoying!”

And to round out his prep for DawntrailReuben finally caught up on the Main Scenario Quests for Final Fantasy XIV. He says, “I really enjoyed the last dungeon and trial of Endwalker, and I’m now putting all my time into levelling Paladin despite not liking tanking.”

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD ghost hunting

Finishing things off for this week is Tef, who played some Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD for a preview, dabbled with a touch of Cat Quest 3, and something else that he can’t tell you all about just yet. He’s also been watching things before he lets his subscriptions expire, trying to finish off the most recent season of For All Mankind, and racing through the excellent X-Men ’97.

That’s it from us, what about you? What have you played?

Written by
TSA's Reviews Editor - a hoarder of headsets who regularly argues that the Sega Saturn was the best console ever released.

1 Comment

  1. I have my second Elden Ring character almost ready for the DLC next week – just one Mohg fight to go!

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