UT III Titan Pack Delayed

So Pixl1983 started this post and then asked me (colossalblue) to finish it. He’s only been a TSA writer for a couple of days and he’s already my boss. Maybe his “work piling up” excuse was just a way of not feeding you this bad news. Either way, news is so rare at this time of year that I’m glad to get anything to post..

So, the Unreal Tournament 3 forums have a post by Steve Polge (probably an alias) which reads:

Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of our control, the certification process for the PS3 patch and DLC has taken much longer than we expected. As a result, we have been forced to push back the release date for the PS3 version to 3/19.

The PC patch contains updates that will improve mods cooked for PS3, so we’ll be taking advantage of this extra time to work with mod authors to make sure the best mods for UT3 are cooked with the latest patch.

So there you go, sounds like a good patch when it comes but a bit of a delay because of certification processes sounds like “Sony can’t pull their finger out” to me. I am a bit of a cynic though but at the end of the day, if people get annoyed that I’m so cynical I’ll just claim that Pixl wrote that line…