Gran Turismo 5: “June/July”

It’s like, September, and Kaz is angry. Except by then, he’ll have probably calmed down because this morning we’ve been told that Gran Turismo 5 currently has a “June/July” release window.  By whom, you ask?  Well, this isn’t something official – we’ve not been on the phone with Sony since – ooh – last week and there’s still no official release date for the game.  Disclaimer over – let’s get down to the goodies.

Sony’s been demoing their new 3D tech for months now, and the various versions of Polyphony’s upcoming racing sim have seen the light of day all over the world.  The latest?  Holland, where TheSixthAxis reader Radboud got his hands on with the incredible looking game, in 3D, and was told by the guy doing the demo that “June/July” was the intended release date.  Radboud assured us he double and triple checked. 

June/July.  Nice.

Sony’s been reluctant to put forward a locked down, official release date for the game since it was announced, but perhaps, just perhaps, they’re saving something rather special for E3 this year.  Regardless, although the rep showing off the game was apparently sure of the Summer window, we do have to repeat that this isn’t coming from Sony HQ and thus absolutely isn’t official.  Still, nice to dream, right?  Where’s my wheel?

Update: The June/July window, if indeed it is true, is probably referring to a 3D demo of the game for 3D TVs.