Criterion Working On Something ‘Big’

Guess what? Go on. Guess. Bet you can’t. I bet you cannot guess what a games development team is doing. Go on, I’ll give you three chances to guess.

Oh. You guessed.

Yes, Criterion is working on a game and the team’s creative director, Craig Sullivan, has tweeted ‘Got lots to share over the coming months…. going to be BIG.’

Possibly Burnout, more likely to be another Need For Speed, less likely for the something ‘big’ to be a life sized replica of the Titanic built out of spam and woodlice.

Source: Twitter


  1. Please be a new Burnout, failing that NFS: Undercover 3. I think the combination of the return of undercover series and Criterion would produce some pretty amazing results.

    • Underground 3 even. Please not another undercover. That would produce some pretty un-amazing results.

    • They’re the same? >.> but with different names and story

      • So actually not that same then. :)

  2. EA Sports BIG. Although I think that went out in the PS2 days so it is highly unlikely there will be any connection.

  3. PLEASE be Burnout…
    Or maybe Black 2 as a dark horse. :P

  4. The old FIFA Street and SSX games were released as part of EA Sports “Big” range – the branding given to their sports games missing the simulation aspect.

    So, given that new FIFA Street and SSX are due for release soon, I’d say it’s a fairly safe link to make.

    Only other notable EA BIG titles are NBA or NFL related. One of those perhaps?

    • They are responsible for the multiplayer element of SSX, but that’s already been revealed as part of the standard SSX developer diaries

  5. I bet it’s NFS, because it’s EA and they don’t listen to what the public wants… how long do we have to wait for TimeSplitters 4 for Gods sake?

    Everyone wants Burnout – which is why it won’t be Burnout…

  6. NFS: Underground 1&2 HD……….. ;)

  7. Obviously it’s know they’re taking it turns to develop a NfS every other year, hopefully they’re working on their own thing too

  8. Looking at related stories to this article, “Criterion Hiring For Open World Racer”. My guess would be Burnout then.

  9. Cant be black 2 coz the bloke who made the first which was EPIC like dave from money supermarket. Made that crap bodycount dint he.

    • But that’s only one man- Criterion Games were the studio.

  10. If it’s burnout fingers crossed for ‘big gameplay’ not ‘big open world’.

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