“Journey Compilation” Coming To PS3

[videoyoutube]This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise – SCEA themselves managed to out this “collector’s edition” of one of the best PS3 games you can buy back at E3.

It’s now almost certain that whatever this “collection” is going to be is going to be on physical media, going off a now empty GameFly holding page dug up on Twitter. So, a Blu-ray pack of all of thatgamecompany’s releases?

Many of the key tgc employees that worked on Journey have moved on, but head Jenova Chen still remains and recently his company announced they were formally going multi-format after securing $5.5m in funding.

Regardless of what this ends up being (might just be Journey along with the soundtrack) it looks like the best selling PSN game might sell a few more.


  1. Who does it really benefit in terms of sales audience though? I bought the game on release and I know I was by no means the only one. A lot of people have continued to buy it, I say just release the sountrack on PSN.

    • Me actually. My country doesn’t have a Store and I refuse to maintain a fake account for purchases.

      Also for me disc>digital.

    • The OST is already on PSN – I have it.

  2. I”’ probably buy this.
    Just to be able to say to friends: “Here, play this.”

  3. I’ll buy this, wanted to for a while.

  4. I already have all three games but would still be tempted to pick up the disk.

  5. best selling PSN game? really?

    • Yeah, probably – A lot of people were playing it when it launched & it is the one game that i have seen the most advertising for on the PSN.

  6. Its a compilation of flow flower and journey according to tgc

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