PSN Users Reporting Sign In Issues, Password Reset Required

Various PSN users across the internet are reporting that their sign-in details aren’t working correctly, leaving them locked out of PSN due to incorrect details.

This has naturally worried some people, assuming that their details may have been compromised, with one poster on the PSN Support forums saying that their reaction was that they’ve “been hacked and someone’s changed the details” but realised they hadn’t received a standard changed details email.

Twitter users are also reporting that they’re unable to sign in with their details, and this has been continuing on for quite a while it seems. Thankfully, a solution appears to have been found.

On the same thread in the support forum, an online support co-ordinator has revealed that it’s a simple case of clicking “forgotten password” and resetting through there, as a “small number” of users have had their password reset, though in our small circle at least the issue seems to be quite widespread. You can also reset your password through the Sony Entertainment Network website.

It doesn’t appear as though there’s anything to worry about, as it was done as “purely as precautionary measure and there was no specific evidence that any accounts had be compromised” although it appears the passwords were reset due to some “irregular activity” on the network.


  1. I just had this problem myself. It would be nice if Sony notified people when they reset passwords.

  2. Sign in online with no problems so PS3 PSN should be fine too.

  3. Happened to me. Also most of the playstationers om twitter that I follow have had the same problem. I think its more than a small number of users.

  4. Lovely.

    It’s happened to me too, some time between 8pm (last time I was on the PSN) and now.

    Oh well, I suppose it’s better safe than sorry- a PSN hack right in the middle of the PS4 launch would be nothing short of disastrous.

  5. Sounds like someone has been trying to hack psn again then

    • Do dodo dodo inspector slummo do dodo dodo do ooo oooo :D

  6. Mine has just locked out as well.

    • Same here and frankly I have a hard time figuring out what could trigger this “irregular activity”, other then the fact that I login to my PSN account via browsers on many different networks (home, work fiber, work backup dsl connection, mobile).

      • I’ve narrowed it down to aliens, Obamacare or… both!

      • Thanks Obama! :P
        Had to reset my password too. :(

  7. I think this happened at pretty much bang on midnight last night. I logged in on my Vita and bought Sound Shapes at 11:55pm, it downloaded pretty quickly and when I loaded it up I couldn’t access any of the leaderboards etc or log into PSN, so that would have been around 12:10 or so, a 15 minute window when (for me at least) everything went tits up.

    I still couldn’t log in today so I manually reset my password….which didn’t need to be any different from the one I was supposedly using all along. Something odd happened, but there doesn’t seem to be anything untoward about it.

    • Happened to me at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon. I’m guessing they reset in batches so as not to overload psn.

  8. Manual reset of the password and it’s all good.

    Probably due for a password change anyway.

  9. It seems a lot of people being logged out also have Vitas.. mebbe there’s some conflict.

    • No problems so far for me on my vita or ps3. All seems a little strange.

      • No problems for me either on my PS3 or PS4.

  10. I tried to log into the website earlier and had this issue, just reset it and it was fine, thought I’d just forgotten my password in my old age hehe.

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