Europe To Get PixelJunk, Feel Ski Soon

According to we’re finally going to be catching up on the American PSN Store over here in Europe. Aside from the incredible looking Ratchet and Clank demo that’s due tomorrow, we should be getting the following:

October 18th: Feel Ski and Pixel Junk Racers, in addition to the Blast Factor upgrade and a Folklore game pack.
October 25th: Eye Create, The Trials of Topoq, Aqua Vita and Operation: Creature Feature (all PlayStation Eye titles), plus the Tekken 5 online patch.
November 8th: Toy Home, which looks great.

There’s also six PSOne games due for download, plus fixes to the broken ones already released. In total: Crash Bandicoot 2, Crash Bandicoot 3, Everybody’s Golf 2, Crash Team Racing, Bust-A-Groove, Syphon Filter 3, Cool Boarders, Spyro 2, and Spyro Year of the Dragon.