With rumours of an official announcement in February, and launch in April, those interested in Sony’s ‘PS Phone’ should start to get excited. In the meantime Sony has trademarked several names in relation to “mobile phones and accessories for mobile phones.” These are:
- Xperia Play
- Xperia Neo
- Xperia Duo
- Xperia Arc
‘Play’ would seem the likely candidate out of the group, backed up by the fact that the Unofficial Xperia X10 blog has discovered that one of Sony Ericsson’s PR firms, Jung Relations, has registered the .com, .net, and .org versions of the XperiaPlay domain.
Also, I’m wondering if ‘Arc’ is a cheeky reference to the PS Move. If memory serves me correctly, Arc was reported as being one of the considered names.
Source: Pocket Now
Moving it away from the PlayStation brand? I wonder why? Interesting…
because it looks exactly like my xperia 10, with 4 buttons instead of 3
So why not make the ‘PlayStation phone’? Then that would distinguish it better from similar models?
Wow. That seems a bit daft.
You would have thought the Playstation brand would be quite important if they’re planning to take on the iPhone.
It fits the the rumours that you won’t actually be able to play playstation games on it.
It’s very much looking like being a gaming phone but not a playstation or PSP phone.
At best I think you may see minis make their way on to it but it’s store appears like it will be based on the android store.
I guess that would be easier for them than a fundamental change of their price structure.
That does seem an odd choice, especially given how hard they strangled the Walkman brand in their music phones
makes sense to me that they’d continue to use the popular Xperia name, I doubt they are trying to beat out or replace the PSP.
They need to keep away from mentioning PlayStation, it could start to rival with the PSP2, I guess that’s why there going for Xperia.
Since the PSP2 will be announced soon it makes sense to not call this phone the PSP Phone, Playstation Phone or whatever. It is not a PSP replacement, it is a phone that can play games better than other phones. PSP2 will be a PSP replacement, a PSP that plays games better than other dedicated devices.
Will just confuse the people if both were called Playstation xxx.
I am getting less and less interested in this now, don’t really know why though.
cam the man
Same here, it’s the PSP2 that I want.
I’m kinda excited to see what it will be like, I got the Aino, and was dissapointed by that, and my contract is up early next year so ill keep this in mind.
I’d like my Aino more if I could ever get remote play to work outside my own house.
exaxtly, Even in the house, its a pile of toss, it loads fine but crashes the phone every 5 mins. if it worked anywhere then id be really pleased with it. Although, the i cant get my psp to remote play from outside my house either.
My Aino’s fine when connecting via Wi-Fi… but 3G… fails to load. Other than that, it’s fine, although would be nice to play minis on.
Can’t complain really seeing as I got a sim free one from Sony Ericsson themselves
I’ve said all along that this isn;t really a PSP phone. Distancing themselves by name just reinforces that.
Yes we’ve seen a video of a ‘Playstation’ app icon on the phone, but not what that includes, so my guess at most is PS1 games and minis. No more than that.
Dan Lee
I agree, but minis and PS1 games would be such a waste in my opinion.
Of course! I’m not saying that’s what I want to see, just that I don’t think we’ll see much beyobnd that. Maybe not *even* that.
the most recent issue of PSM3 has a look into PSP2, with pics! grab it. is it a world preview? no but it does give you pics! PICS DAMMIT.
lolwut? another layout change?