New First Party Vita Games Announced

A couple of new first party titles have been announced for the PS Vita.

First up is MotorStorm RC, which is said to be “a unique blend of old-school and contemporary racing gameplay”. Initially there will be 24 vehicles to unlock but more will be on the way via DLC, as well as tracks “and more”.

Next up is Zipper Interactive’s Unit 13. This third-person military shooter promises “bite sized gameplay” stopping terrorists, dictators, gunrunners, warlords and drug traffickers from destabilising the Horn of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and South Asia.

Players will be able to choose from six different classes – Infiltrator, Sniper, Soldier, Technician, Point Man, and Support – based on their role and your own playing style.

These two games will be launch titles.

Speaking of launch titles, SCEE has confirmed the following:

  • Uncharted: Golden Abyss
  • WipEout 2048
  • Reality Fighters
  • Little Deviants
  • ModNation Racers: Road Trip
  • Everybody’s Golf
  • Escape Plan
  • Top Darts
  • Hustle Kings
  • Unit 13
  • MotorStorm RC

We’re playing most of these right now and we’ll have hands-on ASAP.

Source: Press Release


  1. Hopefully Unit 13 is like SOCOM 1 and 2! Those games were beasting.

  2. Uncharted, Motorstorm and Wipeout are launch titles?! Nothing short of thrilled ;)

  3. Hope these are at PS Access on Saturday.

  4. Oh thats where Kev is. Right, Ill stand down the guard dogs.

  5. Beautiful trailer for Motorstorm RC – love the stylings.

    • Yeah looks good, should be fun.

    • Very nicely presented, looks like a great title too.

  6. O-M-G.
    I’m excited again now.

  7. Just clocked the “pay once get both” logo at the very end of the trailer. This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I have been wanting from the Vita

    • But you do realize that “pay once get both” thats on psn store> I doubt they going do that with retail copies.

      • Yeah but if they did it would be freakin epic! I would like to see Sony putting vouchers inside PS3 retail boxes for a hefty discount on the Vita version though

    • yeh that would be good lets wait & see how it works in Japan, also shocking metal gear solid aint a launch game since its coming out in february in europe

    • Love that as well. It’s a huge incentive to buy the Vita for me, being able to continue a game on either system while only paying once.

      I hope some of my current PSN titles (not the minis & PSone titles) will be playable on the Vita.

  8. Unit 13 sounds like Socom with a different name, I hope its like US Navy thats the first Socom game I ever played in the Socom series..The launch line up is too much, My girlfriend won’t be getting valentine prezzie in feb…Uncharted, Unit 13 & Escape Plan are day one buy for me

  9. Some quality launch titles there cant wait to get into Uncharted,Modnation and Unit 13! not really hyped about that Motorstorm which is a shame as i love Motorstorm!

  10. Awwww snap! Fantastic launch line up :D

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