Metal Gear Online Has Finally Come Out On PC

Though Metal Gear Solid V was generally a success for Konami, it’s really had a rather messy release, even looking beyond the public break up with Hideo Kojima. However, they’ve just announced the release of Metal Gear Online for PC, which should allow Konami to draw a line under the game and start to look to the future.

Originally meant to launch alongside The Phantom Pain last September, MGO was held back by a month on console to release at the start of October. However, the PC version of the online game was delayed even further, and doubts were cast over its future when Konami shut down the Los Angeles-based developers back in November.

At that time, Konami restated their intent to release MGO on PC, with a January release planned and, as we now know, met for the game. Of course, without the original team, it’s not exactly clear what future MGO has on PC or any platform.

Source: press release

1 Comment

  1. i wonder how broken it will be.

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