Grip Gets A New Carkour Mode

Caged Element have revealed a new game mode for the Rollcage inspired racer, Grip. The puntastic Carkour mode ditches the combat racing and instead requires you to get to the finish point as stylishly as possible. There will be nineteen tracks, eighteen of which are straight races and the final area being a large open map where you can stunt and flip to your heart’s content.

Grip as already out on PC and will be coming to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One this autumn.

Source: YouTube

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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.


  1. Wow, great news! What was this called in Stage 2, Rumble? It was such a smart addition back then, really good to see it being added now. The track graphics are a bit lacking but I’m sure they can give it all a bit of spit and polish before we get the opportunity to get horribly addicted.

  2. Pity it’s not a car park(our) mode. :P

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