Grip: Combat Racing aims to Wipeout the competition, new update adds Anti-Grav vehicles

Futuristic vehicle combat racer Grip has been given massive free update which adds new tracks and new vehicles, specifically ones without wheels. Wipeout style anti-grav craft have been added to the game and you can race both the anti-grav ships and the standard wheeled vehicles in the same races. “We’re pretty sure if WipeOut and Rollcage hooked up, this is the baby they’d pop out!” say Wired Productions.

“Bringing a whole new vehicle class, and uniting two genres from the 90’s together for the first time, anti-grav racers called ‘AirBlades’, powered by an Element 115 anti-grav engine, fight against the aggressive wheel based mechanical monsters called Rollers, that launched with GRIP, with both classes able to flip on any side, and choose their own path, not defined by the laws of gravity,” say Wired.

“AirBlades are available on all the original race tracks that launched with GRIP, plus all-new levels set in out of space and is a completely free update for players,” they add. “The inclusion of this latest update adds a robust new set of features sure to thrill fans and adrenaline junkies. GRIP is now two games in one, giving racers the choice of how and where they drive!”

Grip has gone through a number of changes since launch including a huge overhaul to the AI a few months ago. Many people, including us in our review, thought it was overly harsh to the point of almost cheating.

The game includes nine power ups and weapons, 29 tracks spread over four planets (plus the new ones just added), a “Carkour” mode in which you must traverse complex courses in a time limit, and split screen racing. There’s also a single player campaign, online, and team modes in the death match arenas, plus 30 or so armoured wheeled vehicles with different stats, and of course the new anti-grav ships.

Grip: Combat Racing is out now on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

Source: YouTube/Press release

Written by
News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.


  1. So is it worth a go now? It’s on sale for £12.99 for the next 6 days.

    • I’d say yes, I played a little a few weeks ago and it’s pretty good now, great if you have a friend and can split screen.

      • And it was going so well until the end of that sentence too!

        It’s definitely tempting me now though.

  2. Be interesting to see how well the two work together. I’ll check it out later!

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