The News at Sixth – 18/02/19

It’s been quite quiet here on the TSA newsdesk as the American’s are having yet another day off for some reason, but that’s probably for the best as lots of news is happening elsewhere here in the UK. Here’s the non Honda/Labour news for you, including a recap of some stories from the weekend.

Also today…

Rainbow Six Siege isn’t getting a Battle Royale mode because not every game needs to be Battle Royale.

“No, I am not interested at all in a battle royale,” Rainbow Six Siege Creative Director Xavier Marquis told Dualshockers. “The genre is doing a nice job but it’s not Siege. The equation of Siege comes from reality, like real CQB operations; it’s always a group trained to defend a specific place and an intervening group trained to intimidate and defeat the threat. This is the equation of Siege. I think the battle royale genre is too much of a stretch and I’m not sure it will be a plus for the game. So, we’ll try different things but no.”

Amy has been announced for Soulcalibur VI

Written by
News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.