The weekly refresh of the free games on the Epic Games Store has occurred removing Horace from the rotation and bringing in The Bridge. The game is described as a puzzler in which players have to manipulate their perspectives and gravity to find solutions. The Bridge’s description says it is a cross between the ideas of Isaac Newton and M.C. Escher. The Bridge originally released in 2013.
That’s not all regarding the free games promotion. Epic Games has confirmed that next week’s title will be Farming Simulator 19 so you’ll be able to sit back and tend to the fields and the animals. In our review for Farming Simulator 19 Gazzagb said:
I have mixed feelings about Farming Simulator 2019. For a biennial release, I would initially have expected more, so this might start off feeling like a large expansion rather than a new game. Get further into the game, you’ll start to enjoy the new features and vehicles, and the little improvements build up to what is still an enjoyable farming game at heart. For newcomers, the initial grind might be off putting to some, but the wealth of things you can do in the game will keep you entertained for hours.
You can read the full Farming Simulator 19 review here. Epic Games recently released some figures in relation to the company’s digital storefront. Last year 73 games were given away including the likes of Shadow Tactics, Superhot, the Batman Arkham Collection, The Witness, Transistor, and Rayman Legends. Aside from the free games over $680 million had been spent on the store too.
Source: Epic Games Store