SCEE Published PS3 Games Offline Tomorrow For Maintenance

Just had a bulletin in from Sony’s European Community Moderator team – there’s maintenance on the PlayStation Network for SCEE published games tomorrow.

The downtime, reasons for which aren’t explained, will run from half past five in the morning until half past ten.  It’s apparently for all SCEE titles, and thus will include Killzone 3, Uncharted 2 etc.

“Please note for the duration of this period SCEE titles only will not be available online,” says the post, “and there may be additional downtime after for testing purposes.”

You’ll still be able to sign into the PSN and play any game not published by Sony themselves.

Most odd.


  1. What?? This makes absolutely no sense to me!

    What’s the purpose?? Why is it only Sony published games that are affected??

    Hmmm – Curiouser & curiouser…

    • curiouser?! no wonder its not a word, makes me think of cognac when i see it in writing!
      anyway, it is indeed most curious! Also, why do SCEE always do downtime at peak gaming hours? what is wrong with half 5 till half ten on a weekday morning?!

      • “its” not a word?

        People in glass houses …

      • Replace “People” with “Kids” and you’ve got a good band there. And they are Welsh, so they talk funny.

      • I would replace the good with crap

      • Not an Alice in Wonderland fan then?

    • Maybe for (their) game security?

      I assume that is 10:30 in the morning?

      • yeah, but still a high traffic gaming time i would have thought

      • True, had it been Sunday most of us would have been at Church, obviously…

      • 10:30 in the morning most certainly isn’t peak gaming time. Most people are at school and work. And I assume there might be stuff they have to do during this maintenance, and thus, SCEE has to be at work. It could be a lot worse. 8 in the morning to 4 in the day. It’s okay to complain, but come on!

      • well, i dont know about where you come form, but in my little world, most people dont work or go to school on a saturday……….

      • Lol! but i DO have to work this saturday. and sunday. got to miss church for that… yeah right!

      • Ah, didn’t see it was Saturday, but still, it’s hardly peak gaming time.

      • Tomorrow I’m working, but I’ll be getting paid to play PS3…it’s a dream come true.

      • Go away Youles! lol

  2. PSN is scheduled for maintainance world-wide on Friday, August 5th, around 9pm Pacific / midnight Eastern for approximately 6 hours affecting all online titles, including Home.
    by GlassWalls (Aug 2, 2011)

    confusing right?

  3. New feature maybe/hopefully?

  4. This weekend will be the first one in a very long time where I can veg on the sofa and get a lot of gaming time in so I’m hoping this means the downtime will be for 5 hours, i.e. 5.30am until 10.30AM not all day. Will not be a happy bunny if that turns out to be the case.

  5. Cross game chat. Calling it. CONFIRMED. BOOM. MEGATON. ETCETERA.

    Or, something to do with beefing up security on servers, y’know, whichever.

    • wow, great minds!……… ^^^


      • THIS!!!

      • X2!!!!


      • Yeah, I’m expecting it to be this as well. Makes perfect sense.

      • Agreed. It’s the only thing that makes sense. And cross game chat, because that always makes sense.

  6. Strange. I’m on going holidays tomorrow so this won’t affect me but it is most curious.

  7. Colour me optimistically excited. It’ll probably turn out to be nothing but you never know!

  8. Aw well I’m off to see Batman Live tomorrow so I’m not complaining, but I’m still curious – Why is it only Sony published games that are affected? Like Forrest_01 said!

  9. any idea on what time the it’ll be down?

  10. im thinking a PSN Pass for sony published games

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