We’re trialling a new daily round-up of all the stories, as ever, we welcome your comments on everything TSA.
Today’s TSA Stories:
- Wipeout Pulse Heading To PS3?
Probably not, to be honest. Sounds from the comments that it’s an Amazon mistake and it should be the PS2 version listed there, given further weight because there’s no PS2 version on there. DLC, we learnt, has been confirmed for HD, though. - Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Screens
The first screens of Uncharted 2’s new co-op and deathmatch modes sneak out before the official Blog unveiled the goodness, that’s what you get for reading TSA early in the morning. Comments were positive, which was nice to see. - All New Home Space Leaked?
Not really. Seems the glitchers had found a way to get to Alphazone 2 early, and this was the result. Appears to have been swiftly followed up by a post on the US Blog. We like to keep you on your toes, guys. ;-) - Six Days In Fallujah Dropped
Mercifully, Konami’s daft idea for a videogame has been canned amidst the public outcry, with almost all the TSAians agreeing with the decision. To be honest, I’ve not really bothered with the game much, but I’m happy that sense has prevailed. - Pain Gets Sore Spots
Kevling’s guest appearance nicely ties up the recent Pain announcements, and is well worth a quick read if you’re wondering what’s coming next to Pain. Seems like the guys at Idol Minds are quite happy to keep developing for this PSN cult classic. - Driver: The Recruit
Ubisoft’s E3 spoilt? Hardly, but there certainly was a nice tasty new trademark application filed over the last couple of days. Expect more of these as we gear up to E3 and lots of new game announcements leak out. - inFamous Release Date
We get some good news. Yes, us here in Europe – Sucker Punch’s inFamous is due to hit shelves across the UK (and beyond) at the end of May, barely a month to wait. Still nothing confirmed for the Uncharted 2 beta, though, unless I missed that one. - Pinball Games Bouncing Onto PS3
Tuffcub’s been on about this for a while, but Greg has tied together the recent pinball confirmations into one nice little post. If pinball’s your thing, have a read about what’s heading your way this year. - Cops and Robbers Priced
Oh dear. Criterion used to be everyone’s friends, but the recent DLC has been constantly creeping up in price and today they hit us with the big one: Cops and Robbers, little more than a new game mode and the associated car skins, will cost you 2 t-shirts. Shame. - Soaking WET
Davs’ preoccupation with trying to wring every possible last double entendre out of WET has resulted in yet another well titled post. The news? That Bethesda has picked up the publishing rights to the third person kick-em-up. - Prototype Montage
A late entry to the digest, here’s the latest trailer for Prototype, a game which must surely have tickled your tastebuds enough to warrant a quick squizz at this one. Have to say, it’s looking great, let’s hope Radical have a hit on their hands.
Worthy Forum Posts:
- Commenting Policy
Nofi gets angry. And refers to himself in the third person. - Today’s News Felch
All the news we missed over the weekend because everyone was away. - NYMEX Evacuated
Tuffcub jumps the gun. Literally. - Zavvi Sale
Want some cheap stuff? LBP is just £9! - And We Roll On
Still guessing what TSA2 is all about? Yeah, us too. - FIFA 10 vs 10
I think we did it, we must have, this one’s 11 pages.
What Else We Read Today:
- Honey Monster Classic Ads
The ones from the 80’s are truly classics, but they’re all good. - Aviary
Totally awesome web based design toys. Except they’re not toys. - Swine Flu Confirmed For UK
See? We do get everything America gets. Just a bit later.
The much anticipated electro remix of Michael’s TSA Rap should be up later tonight. We’re also in the process of transferring bits of the website, if it all goes Pete Tong keep an eye on our Twitter for updates.