“Remastered” PSP Games Coming To PS3

Sony has today announced that select titles for the PSP will re-launch on the PlayStation 3 with bonus content and in full HD. These ports, dubbed the “PlayStation Portable Remaster Series” will also feature control pad support, online functionality, and the ability to transfer game save data between the handheld and home console.

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (Monster Hunter Freedom 3) will be the first title to undergo the “Remaster” treatment, and is set to launch in Japan during this Summer. The insanely-popular action RPG is one of Japan’s all-time best sellers and hasn’t even been given a release date for the US or EU. Here at TSA we know all too well that PlayStation gamers have been baying for a Monster Hunter PS3 title, and though this is definitely progress, it may not be enough to fully satisfy those who have been waiting year-on-year for a fully-fledged instalment.

There’s still quite a bit we still don’t know about the Remaster series. What methods of distribution will Sony employ and how fair will the pricing be? What “extra content” can gamers expect? Will these ports carry trophy functionality? Will the Remaster series even release outside of Japan? Expect to get the low-down at Sony’s press conference at this year’s E3.

Source: Kotaku


  1. The God of War PSP games would be very welcome on PS3!

  2. MGS: Peace Walker and Patapon if you do so please. :)

    • Peace Walker would be very welcome.

    • OOOhh, Patapon would seriously bring me back to ps3 gaming

      • I was wondering where you’d been! Good seeing you here. :)

        Yup, Patapon is just a joy to play, It’s quite difficult but I can’t stop smiling when I play it. I must look like a kid in a candy shop when I have that in my hands! Haha.
        I’ve been dreaming of a full-blown version but a re-mastered copy would be the next best thing.

    • Even though this is one of favorite MGS games, I for one personally don’t think the gameplay would transfer too well to the PS3. The missions have been designed for portable gaming, and how the hell would you scan for troops through wireless networks?

      Anyway there’s my 10c worth of advice…I just don’t think that this is necessary

  3. WipEout games are also welcome!

    • just play wipeout HD

      • Which you can get for free when the PS Store comes back up!

      • I have WipEout HD, I need 1 more trophy for a platinum!

    • lol its basically Wipeout HD but with extra tracks

    • WipEout HD is pretty much pulse, Pure was a very different game, would love to try it on the PS3.

  4. Killzone Liberation, Mercury, Loco Roco and GoW certainly spring to mind :)

    • Imagine playing mercury by tilting the controller! Nice!

  5. This is great news, I would snap up Monster Hunter, as well as MGS and GOW!

  6. :D I would pay for FF7:crisis Core,The MGS PSP games,GOW. I would have thought that Sony would wait untill E3 to annouce this.I am going to need a lot of money.

    • I would agree with you on Crisis Core if it weren’t for it’s hideous real-time battle system.

      • Unless it’s like XII’s battle system, then I’d welcome it.

      • awh ffxii battle system was awesome XD

  7. Motorstorm Arctic Edge. That’s the one for me.

  8. Teehee. :)

    • What do you know?!?!

    • Are you trying to tell us something but can’t do an article on it due to an embargo Noster? I am intrigued by what you are hinting at.*strokes his beard*

  9. Give me Peace Walker on PS3 and I’ll happily trade in my PSP and PSP games in order to buy it!

  10. PLEASE. PLEASE. MAY STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT LIVE??????? I want Elite Squadron on my PS3 NOW :D

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