Modern Warfare 3 Pre-Orders Set To Beat Black Ops record, Predicts GameStop

With Call of Duty: Black-Ops setting pre-order records last year, it was always going to be very difficult for Activision’s next Call of Duty title, Modern Warfare 3, to surpass it. However, it appears enthusiasm for the Call of Duty franchise is still growing as pre-orders at GameStop are set to surpass those set by the previous game.

GameStop Senior VP of Merchandising Bob McKenzie responded to the pace of Modern Warfare 3 pre-orders:

Last year, Call of Duty: Black Ops became the most pre-ordered title in our history. Already, this year, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is significantly ahead of that pace. Our customers’ response to the reveal of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has been amazing.

Surprise surprise, there appears to be no chance of EA’s goal to beat Modern Warfare 3 commercially with Battlefield 3 coming into fruition.

No doubt the enthusiasm for the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has something to do with the leak last month, which has turned into a huge PR win for Activision.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 releases on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this November.

Source: CVG



  1. Do I care? Not until the inevitable bigger editions are revealed….

    • I was just annoyed that the Prestige Edition of Black Ops didn’t come with a wind-up monkey with cymbals, strapped to some fake dynamite.

      The bigger editions are usually good just for the DLC!

  2. Better off waiting for the Day 1 in store supermarket deals, probably get it for £35-ish, probably less with a trade-in.

  3. Blimey, thought I had landed on a Activision press release site for a minute ;-)

  4. I’ve got it on pre-order, although I’m probably going to cancel it and get it from a supermarket.
    Still, this is just more evidence to me that MW3 will not beat BF3 in terms of sales; BF3 may well turn out to be the better game, but it won’t have the popularity that COD has.

  5. Yet every year more and more people say they won’t buy CoD anymore. Funny how that goes though. I’ll reserve judgement till more is revealed.

    I’m be getting BF3 for sure. I like the CoD series, but I have to admit it’s getting stale. Hopefully MW3 brings something more/ new to the series.

  6. Rental only.

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