The PlayStation Network will be under maintenance next Monday, the 15th of October. It’ll be down from 13.00 BST until 02.00 BST on Tuesday 16th October.
During this period the following services will be unavailable:
- Store
- Account Management
- Account Registration
- Transactions via consoles
- website
A site maintenance notification page will appear if anyone tries to access these sections and sites.
Online play shouldn’t be affected.
What’s all this for? Probably this.
A new look for the store and new functionalities and also to prepare the PS+ extension to PS Vita.
That’s my bet !! and yours ??
No.. please… NO XGC :D
The Lone Steven
But they are supposed to let us know a few hours before. It doesn’t feel right that they have told us in advance and frightens me a bit. Oh and CROSS DRESSING KEVIN BUTLER CHAT! HA! Beat you all to it. If anyone needs me, i’ll be in the corner, hanging my head in shame. *goes to the corner*
As opposed to PSN maintenance they just carry out for fun? Would’ve hoped they were all important.
Alex C
This one’s probably a bit more important than some of the others.
The new way to pay – Playstation Points!
New store innit.
As long as online play isn’t affected during maintenance, which is the usual state of play then I’ll be happy.
It happens to be the first races of the TSA F1 tournament start for my group, but going on past experience of these maintenance periods, we should still be good to go!
cam the man
If I remember right there was maintenance when the first Monday race took place last year, spooky.
It should actually make for a better and more reliable online gaming session, seeing as most of the PSN services won’t be available to people……read: less traffic clog :P
PS+ for Vita is all I need at the mo. And Playstation Mobile :p
Oh no! Does anyone else remember the last time they revamped the store? That didn’t go so well.
The Lone Steven
On the plus side, they have not cancelled your meet again. ;)
Actually, turns out they did – For some reason, Max Payne won’t load up the multiplayer when maintenance is taking place. It was the same last time too.
New store better be bloody worth it! :D
blimey, so people are actually getting something out of this maintenance, about time.
Weird, isn’t it. It’s like when a creepy uncle offers you a bag of sweets and sits uncomfortably close. Sure, you want the sweet, sticky goodness that’s being teased but can you take the pain afterwards.
I completely forgot about plus for the VITA. I hope Rayman isnt made a free game as i just ordered it an hour ago opps