Destiny Crimson Days Players Get A Guaranteed 320 Light Ghost

The drop rate for 320 level Ghosts has been abysmal in the Destiny Crimson Days event and Bungie have taken notice and have guaranteed everyone who has played seven matches will get a top level Ghost. There are a few conditions, which Bungie have listed below.

  • After the event is over, we’ll deliver Ghosts to the Postmaster
  • Anyone who has competed in seven matches will receive one
  • You had to actually compete though – no suicide pacts!
  • Your Ghost will be Chocolate or Crimson – the odds are even
  • 320 Light will be guaranteed – the odds are totally in your favor
  • Packages will be addressed by account, not character
  • Qualifying players will receive their Ghost by February 23rd

If things haven’t changed since I last dipped my toe in the game, Crimson Days should still be running this evening so you can jump in and play seven matches tonight.

In other news, Destiny is getting its own Mega Bloks toy line.

Source: Bungie


  1. I would actually be up for this, but the issue would be finding another like-minded person to do doubles with that might not mind losing a few games. As whilst I have been doing better at crucible recently, I still waver from ‘good’ to ‘pretty damn poor’ in mere moments (sometimes during the same game).

    Would still be up for this, but there’s no way I am trying to fit 7 games in this evening when I likely already have plans. It’s not like you can just pop in yourself either, as you are forbidden without a partner.

    Have to say that although I wasn’t the biggest fan of the price of the expansions before, you at least felt you were getting something fresh to play. With the new ‘events’ stance they have taken, sure, I have spent less money, but sparrow racing is the only event that has felt in any way different or worth putting some time into.

    Halloween & Valentines events? Meh, you can keep ‘em!

    • I’d have jumped in,i don’t mind having my arse handed to me for 7 matches,well i do but i don’t lol

      • Ok, well maybe we could take a look at maybe just getting the 7 done later then (sometime after Borderlands, assuming that is still on the agenda?).

        This is of course also assuming that the reset for the event/end of it is not midnight tonight of course…

        I know that a 320 Ghost will certainly be useful for yourself (probably being quite a bit higher than anything you have available to you presently) & it may mean I can move my ‘spares’ around to get my Hunter/Titan up a level or two too.

        Certainly won’t be in for 21 games for all three though, that’s for sure! :D

      • Borderlands is still on the agenda as far as im concerned,think my highest ghost is 300 we’ll see what happens later ;)

  2. I should be around for a bit this evening Forrest. No idea if I’ve actually done 7 matches or not already – so best do a couple extra, just in case. :)

    • Whilst I would love to be able to spread myself around like a sexy version of nutella, I feel I would be too thin to be enjoyable any longer! :)

      Poor analogies aside, I am due to be playing Borderlands with the guys tonight (missus allowing of course), so most of the evening I am on (i.e. decent hours) will be spent on that. I might get on a bit later, likely post 12am, so fitting both yourself & Pixel in at that point could prove tricky.

      Possibly achievable with the right lube though. ;)

      … This is of course if the event is still even running at that point…

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