All The News & Trailers From PlayStation Experience 2017

Sony said they wouldn’t be having a big press conference at PlayStation Experience this year, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t have a ton of games to show off in a low key “presentation”. There’s some pretty big announcements for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR, so here’s a round up of all the news and trailers that were shown off:

And on to all the other trailers:

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!


  1. I’m at work so can’t see all the trailers – i heard there’s a Last Guardian VR experience coming too!

  2. Strikes me as for a console at the end of its life. Maybe new console announcement at next year’s event for Nov 2019 release.

  3. This has been the generation in which I’ve bought fewest games. Perhaps some of that is down to work, family, etc. but a good portion of my low buying stats is down to the type of indie tripe in the above videos.

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