
Podcast: Episode 26

Outliving the News of the World.

TSA Podcast: Issue Four

The flapping traps return, accompanied by Call of Juarez inspired nicknames for more PS3 banter.

TSA Podcast: E3 Special

Recorded straight after the Sony E3 Conference, this is fanboy heaven.

TSA Podcast Rebooted: Two

(Update) We’re back: Trico, Katie and Peter, TSA Challenge, TSA PlayThru, THQ and Ubisoft events.

TSA Podcast Rebooted: Issue One

The TSA Podcast is back, and better than ever.

Podcast: TSA Rap

Michael’s final TSA Podcast: A mix of chat, rap, and annoying volume changes.

Podcast: Exclusive Interview!

The podcast is back again, with more stuff that will make you wonder why you bothered!

Podcast: It’s Short

The TSA podcast goes mini, but thankfully nothing to do with the over-rated car.

Podcast: Meet Hodgi

The TSA podcast is relaunched, and just like SCEE we’ve managed to do it a bit late.

TSA Podcast: Do You Want It?

We’ve flirted with podcasts before, but now we give you the chance to have your say.

TSA Guests On ThePSN

In which Michael is invited to a podcast and has the biggest mic.