Calling all TSA clan members and Warhawk players – the next TSA Warhawk game is planned for this Tuesday, 23/10/2007 at 21:00 UK time.
We’ll be hosting an 8 or 12-player server, doing a selection of CTF and Zones games, with a final round of Death Match. Please note, this won’t be a ranked server. These games are for fun, bring your headsets, and hopefully we’ll get some good games with a bit of banter thrown in. We’re also going to possibly trial Warhawk jeep racing during this week’s game.
Game Details
Date/Time: 23/10/2007 21:00 UK time
Server: LordMooch
Password: tsan23
2 x CTF, 2 x Zones, 1 x Death Match
Leave a comment if you plan on joining us.
See you in the skies.