All The News From The Nintendo Direct On 8th March

It might have only been 30 minutes long, but the Nintendo Direct was jam-packed full of news and announcements to sink your teeth into. There were new games, more ports, more details on previous reveals, and it came at speed.

Watch the Nintendo Direct here, or keep scrolling for the headlines and the announcements we didn’t get to writing up individually:

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!


  1. What an ensemble. They’re smashing it.

  2. All that news and only one commen thus far? Outrageous! Okami HD? Yes please. I’ve puchased it for PS2 and Wii but still yet to commit. Switch version will give me the post-Zelda fix I need. Crash trilogy? Yes, again I’ll take it. Loved Crash and co on the PS1 (would love to see Crash Team Racing resurrected too).
    Smash Bros? Never been involved but from what I hear this could make Pokken Tournament redundant. Lots of other potential purhcases too. Glad to see the Switch continues apace. Well done Ninty! Good show.

  3. My main issue is I had too much to play on Switch and now I’m drowning. Guess I simply have to not buy games for a good while. Nintendo are owning things this time around.

  4. Awesome to see a game like South Park making the jump, as well as Okami HD. Also can’t wait for No More Heroes!

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