Xbox 360 version a real possibility, according to Square Enix.
Mysterious games finally detailed. New Fat Princess PSP information, Everybody’s Tennis and the game that uses a camera…
Murder, Underwear, Desks and more in the new trailer for the PS3 exclusive.
It’s yet another Buzz! game, but this has some rather nice new features.
Prior to June 2004, at least.
A spin-off title from the mind-bending Echochrome PS3 game.
Recorded straight after the Sony E3 Conference, this is fanboy heaven.
Darren Waters alludes that Project Trico was ‘that’ game.
The European and US Stores get their E3 update in timely fashion.
Everything we covered from the second day, including ‘that’ press conference.
It’s time to shoot the orange weak spot again!
The Playstation gets a cross between Wii Motion+ and Project Natal. It’s also very good.
Trailer shows off several un-announced new PSP games, but what are they?
Could you be getting your trophy kick on the go with the new PSP? Let the rumours commence.
Team ICO’s next project is renamed and the previously leaked footage is revamped. Lovely. Now when’s it out?!
But what does it all mean? With no formal details revealed, we take an in-depth look at the video.
This is the one we’ve all been waiting for. Was this Sony’s E3? Yes it was.
During Sony’s E3 we sat on Skype. Here’s the transcript…