The only awards that matter.
And news of Stranger’s Wrath on the Vita. But, well, not in Europe.
Au Revior 2009, you’ve been fun.
V’s got a bone to pick with our ‘cub.
This Edition: Kill Babies, Win Prizes! Also, ‘Panty Punching’ and a handy sign for SquareEnix.
Warning: Contains excessive innuendo.
Brian May, Zombies, Kratos, Gameswipe and Mass Effect 2 PS3. Again.
‘Joy-pad junkies are rubbing their hands in anticipation.’
Jack The Ripper, 14th century poetry and the Goetia.
Gaming ‘news’ from down the back of the internet. “Unnanounced” features heavily today.
Guess who is the star of todays “And Finally..” is? Go on.. bet you can’t guess.
More ‘news’ from down the back of the internet. Today : Burn Zombie Burn, Silent Hill and more Sideshow Bob Kotick.